Games for windows live dll
Games for windows live dll

games for windows live dll

  • xliveredist.msi (renamed from XLiveUpdate.msi to xliveredist.msi to enable detection by gfwlivesetup. Contact LIVE support at 1-87 Turn your anti-virus software off Ensure your router is set-up properly as per GfWL: Share Improve this answer Follow answered at 9:39 Drake 42.3k 84 237 410 Tried point 8 and 19.
  • This package contains the following official downloads packaged together for convenience: Please note that the included Marketplace client is no longer functioning as of 2022. The first sign-in for a game tend to take quite some time and the process might seem to be stuck for 5-10 minutes before completion.

    games for windows live dll

    After the installation is finished just launch a GFWL title and the in-game overlay and usual sign-in prompt will appear in the game. Uninstall the Microsoft Games for Windows Marketplace client and the Microsoft Games for Windows - LIVE Redistributable (if either is installed), then extract all files and run gfwlivesetup.exe. This package contains the last version of the Marketplace client ( and the last version of the Redistributable ( Official installation files for Microsoft Games for Windows - LIVE.

    Games for windows live dll